Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Faking It Til You Make It

That last video I posted got good feedback online so far, but at home, I knew I was going to get a mixed reaction. My mother didn't say she didn't like it. But she didn't say she liked it either. In fact, her favorite video by me was the first one where I welcome everyone to MDM: My Disability Matters. While I appreciate that she liked that one and that I love being a member of such an open, understanding and accepting club, that video was my least favorite. Why? It was all fluff and happiness. I am not going to accomplish anything by just being happy go lucky all the time. I'll be positive when I see shit positive. And the other videos have more aggression and to me a bigger purpose. Again, this has nothing to do with MDM. This is about me personally being real, completely open and uncompromising.
So why is this post called "Faking It Til You Make It"? Because while I am being anything but fake in my blog/videos (and now when arguing with people who don't want me to be open), I am willing to at least try to get through a temporary job during the summer to earn enough income to...

A) Contribute to getting housing in Boston.

B) Invest in promoting my cause and figuring out how to take the recommended steps to that more explicitly.

Will I be able to hold it together in this heavy-duty job knowing that what I am having an interview for on Friday morning will give me a first impression right away that most likely will not click with me?

The answer is YES. I WILL fake it til I make it. Not to please the positive pushers or the old school thinkers that try to run (ruin) my life, but because my strength and stamina is through the roof now and my energy level hasn't been this high since I was 9. I have been walking 3 miles from Watertown to Cambridge at least once everyday for crying out loud! I got this. Just gotta remember this is seasonal and I am not expected to commit this job to myself for the rest of my life. But we'll see how it goes in the beginning anyway.

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