Saturday, September 15, 2018

It's Really Happening

Sometimes when you feel you hit rock bottom, you can bury your head in the sand, you can cry out for help, you can pray to God that they send a sign your way, or can simply do the illogical and unrealistic or just plain toxic attitude which is to "suck it up and be a man". But depending on what your circumstances are and who you are, the best way for some people to handle desperation is to talk it out with as many people you trust as possible and as often as you or them are able, get (if you see one and are financially able to of course) as many booked appointments with your psychiatrist/therapist as they and you can handle, and with all of the help from family/friends/therapy/medication/coping techniques, you can build up the confidence to get back on the hustle, pick yourself back up and start your life over with goals in mind and a new, fresh, re-energized mind that has recently dumped loads and loads of stress and emotion that has been bottled up for years. This was me through a long period during the first half of 2018. Fast forwarding to this past week...

If you recall in a recent blog post here I had a phone interview for a part-time job in which I disclosed when asked one of the questions about previous work experience. In the week that has just passed, I had a follow-up for that interview in person with one of the hiring managers. This was a more challenging interview as I was asked more detailed questions that were all scenario based and I was asked more specific questions about past jobs. Once again, I disclosed as this was not the same person I spoke with on the phone. After it was over and I left, my thought was "Well, maybe I'll get it, maybe not. Right now I really don't know. I'll just do what I've been doing and keep applying."
So the next day I heard about a hiring day at a specific establishment. I applied online and immediately went first thing on the following day for a guaranteed interview with resume in hand. It went really well and I was asked to do a follow-up for THAT interview the next morning and of course I accepted. When I took the train/bus home, I was assuming I would have to get up extra early the next day to get to this follow-up. Then I got home, and noticed there was a message on my phone. It was from the place I had the phone/in-person interview for before. They asked me to call them back. So I did right away. Long story short...I Got The Job. To the average person, this may not seem like a big deal because it is part-time. But considering I have been struggling all year for employment again and I am intentionally looking for part-time so my SSDI can cover the rest of my income, this was major. I was (and still am) beyond excited. Then I tweeted about the great news. Since the last time I checked twitter, this breaking news has received around 340 likes and at least 40 replies congratulating me.

So unlike my previous jobs, I did not get any bad vibes when I visited and applied to this place initially. I really am excited. I am not numb to it. I am not nervous about whether it will work out or not. Nothing really bad at all. I am just excited and itching to start working again, for what I am seeing as a permanent position (at least when it comes to having a PAYING job). That alone is a huge breakthrough and proof that all of the mental hustle I had to grind through this year has finally paid off. Everyone in the Mental Health community on twitter and even The Resistance has been so supportive and validating through all of this and I as much as I will always try to return the favor, I don't think anything ever will. But it isn't about that. It's about helping out each other, helping others in the struggle, and saving lives just like they saved mine.

Now I would like to provide my readers with two really great blogs from a couple good friends in the mental health community. Please follow them, not just on the their blog but on twitter as well. I will provide links to both below. Peace out everyone and I will see you for the next blog post and/or video.


(Also for this one, please check out her recent post about the 2019 Mental Health Awareness Project. We are currently trying to promote and organize it and get as many people on board with it as possible. Thanks)

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